10/09/2008 - A workshop summary has been published in the September edition of the IEEE Global Communications Newsletter.(local copy)
25/05/2008 - The keynote of Dr. Kokkos is available for download.
10/05/2008 - We are happy to announce the keynote speaker Asimakis Kokkos, Head of China Industry Environment, Nokia Siemens Networks. The title of his talk will be "Broadband: Does one size fit all?"
29/04/2008 - The 4th and next edition of the workshop will be co-located with IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 in New Orleans, USA.
14/03/2008 - A review of the workshop will appear in the Global Communications Newsletter published monthly within the IEEE Communications Magazine.
10/03/2008 - Programme online. Please read the presenters instructions part of the CFP in order to prepare your talk accordingly.
27/02/2008 - The three best papers will be published in ELSEVIER Computer Commmunications Special Issue on the 3rd IEEE Broadband Wireless Access Workshop
28/01/2008 - Paper reviewing has been completed and authors have been informed. We are proud to announce an Acceptance Rate (AR) of 21.9% for this edition of the BWA worshop, the 3rd IEEE BWA 2008. A first, preliminary programme will be available soon. Please note the instructions for preparing your camera ready paper. You'll find them under Submission
23/01/2008 - Author notification postponed to 4th of February
20/12/2007 - Submission deadline extended to 31st of December
10/11/2007 - Submission open
15/10/2007 - Website has been created.
Internet access is undergoing a fundamental change. A steadily increasing spectrum of services is attracting a rapidly growing number of users which, in turn, wish to access these services 'anytime and anywhere'. In order to meet this demand, Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) technologies are becoming extremely important and vendors and standardisation bodies respond to this development with new and powerful BWA technologies. Supporting transmission rates up to several megabits per second at distances far as tens of kilometres while providing full mobility support, these technologies provide the long-awaited means for delivering any telecommunication service over the Internet.
BWA technologies are yet in their infancy and one outcome is that many are far from being complete and optimised for such a versatile environment like the Internet. Consequently, BWA is currently receiving much attention by the research community. By organising this 3rd IEEE BWA Workshop, it is our intention to bring together and provide an international forum for this research community. In this line, the workshop programme covers various aspects of these technologies including but not limited to:
Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks
Incumbent and Future BWA Technologies, 802.16x, 802.20, UMTS, etc
QoS in Mobile and BWA Networks
Radio Resource Management, Admission Control and Scheduling
Capacity Planning and Traffic Engineering
Physical and Data link Layer Issues
Characterization, Modeling of BWA Traffic, Mobility and Channels
Large-scale and Heterogeneous BWA Evaluations
Spectrum Management
Interoperability Aspects (fixed/mobile LANs/MANs, WANs)
Vertical and Horizontal Integration
Micro and Macromobility Management
3G/4G Wireless Technologies
Applications Support
Cross-layer Optimisation Approaches
Experimental Evaluation of Cross-layer Interactions
Multimedia Support
Network Management
(W)NGN Architectures and Trends
Design and Evaluation of Testbeds
Experiences/lessons from recent deployments