13/01/2008 - The workshop took place as anticipated. We therefore would like to express our sincere gratitude to all contributors who made this second edition of our series of workhops on Broadband Wirless Access (BWA) a success.
13/01/2008 - The slides of the key note, delivered by Thomas M. Bohnert fron Siemens CT in cooperation with E. Estroff and K.-D. Kohrt from Nokia Siemens Networks are available here
22/11/2007 - Programme online.
01/10/2007 - We are glad to announce that the next edition in our series of IEEE BWA workshops will be colocated with IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, 2008, one of the major IEEE Communication Society Conferences. The workshop website including the Call-For-Papers can be found here 3rd IEEE BWA'08
21/09/2007 - Paper reviewing has been finished and authors have been informed. We are proud to announce an Acceptance Rate (AR) of 28.6% for this edition of the BWA worshop, the 2nd IEEE BWA 2008. A first, preliminary programme will be available soon.
31/08/2007 - The paper submission deadline has been past today. We've received numerous contributions from all over the world and would therefore like to express our gratidtude to all authors. We wish all of them best luck for the peer-reviewing process launched today. See you in LV.
03/08/2007 - The IEEE CCNC 2007 organisation proposed to set a common deadline for all workshops and special sessions. Accordingly, the new and final deadline for the 2nd IEEE BWA workshop has been set to August 31.
20/07/2007 - /* Obsolete */ Deadline has been extended to August 12, 2007. /* Obsolete */
15/06/2007 - It's our pleasure to announce Dr. Klaus-Dieter Kohrt, working for Nokia Siemens Networks and the incumbent Vicechairman of the UMTS Forum, as Key Note Speaker.
06/06/2007 - After a carefull review the second edition of our series of BWA workshops has been accepted to be part of IEEE CCNC 2008, one of the major IEEE conferences.
Internet access is undergoing a fundamental change. A steadily increasing spectrum of services is attracting a rapidly growing number of users which, in turn, wish to access these services 'anytime and anywhere'. In order to meet this demand, Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) technologies are becoming extremely important and vendors and standardisation bodies respond to this development with new and powerful BWA technologies. Supporting transmission rates up to several megabits per second at distances far as tens of kilometres while providing full mobility support, these technologies provide the long-awaited means for delivering any telecommunication service over the Internet.
BWA technologies are yet in their infancy and one outcome is that many are far from being complete and optimised for such a versatile environment like the Internet. Consequently, BWA is currently receiving much attention by the research community. By organising this 2nd IEEE BWA Workshop, it is our intention to bring together and provide an international forum for this research community. In this line, the workshop programme covers various aspects of these technologies including but not limited to: